Damaging Objects
Objects can be affected by physical and magical attacks. (87, 203)
AC and Hit Points. The GM can assign an AC and hit points to a destructible object. See the table. When an object drops to 0 hit points, it breaks. Special rules apply to huge and gargantuan objects.
Saving Throws. Objects always fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws.
Strength Check. A character can also attempt a Strength check to break certain objects.
Damage Types. The GM can give an object immunities, resistances, and vulnerabilities to specific types of damage. Objects are immune to poison and psychic damage.
Some damage types are more effective against a particular object or substance than others:
A sword cannot cut through a stone wall.
A mace is good for smashing things but not for cutting through rope or leather.
Paper or cloth objects might be vulnerable to fire and lightning damage.
A pick can chip away stone but can’t effectively cut down a tree.